NEGATIVE 7,000,000

CNN loses over 7 MILLION unique visitors to CNN.COM. Who's to blame?

Saturday, May 15, 2010

CNN Loses 7 MILLION Visitors to CNN.COM

As we have been reporting here, CNN is becoming a disaster.  Their viewership on TV is degrading and is dead last in almost all programming hours. Even Fox News' Red Eye program which airs at 3AM EST beats CNN 8PM primetime programming in demographics.  Embarrassing.  But now, there's more.  CNN has, over the course of the last 8 months, lost over 7,000,000 unique visitors to their website.  That means that the 7 million people who were visiting their website, are now, not.  Where'd they go?

Take a look at the data we received from (Compete, Inc.), a website that monitors and documents traffic to literally all websites on the internet.

With journalism offenders at CNN such as Rick Sanchez, Don Lemon, Peter Hamby, Ed Hornick, Susan Roesgen (fired), KC Estenson (Manager), Roland Martin, TJ Holmes, Martina Stewart, and Anderson Cooper, it's no surprise that this is happening.  We also have the emergence of new media: blogs, social networking, and new news websites that are popping up all over the place. For instance The Daily Caller, which in just the last three months has attracted over half a million visitors with 1.1 million visits each month.  This of course, troubles the lamestream media organizations like the AP who has gone to such lengths as to warn its' visitors of new news websites by Conservatives.

See more after the jump...

The case for losing the political left on
There is also another thing: CNN caters to a primarily left wing, center-left audience.  Websites such as MediaMatters, HuffingtonPost, AlterNet, DailyKos (radical left),, ABCNews, CBSNews, all do the same thing.  We've seen how many of the HuffingtonPost headlines (opinated or not) end up on CNN as "news." So the left may be skipping CNN in their round of "check the news" because it's news they have already seen on the other websites.

The case for losing the political right on
The right has never been a fan of CNN in the first place.  The amount of viewership that CNN has remaining, it would be a safe bet that a majority are not center-right or right leaning people.  But as we discussed before, the right is increasing its sources for news.  Breitbart, HotAir, DailyCaller are all taking off with their visitorship increasing day by day.  So now, the right has more places to go then it did before--and in the process, leaving CNN behind.

The conclusion is simple: People all over are turning CNN off.  On thier television sets, and on their computers.


  1. I think peter hamby adds viewers.

    He is so dreamy.

  2. itz a fact that nobody watches cnn, trash journalism by trash journalists. this just proves it 7 million...need a bailout?

    btw is the abov comment a joke?! the guy is disgusting!

  3. CNN used to have great reporters on the front line and news bureaus all over the world which could give us fantastic coverage.

    Now if you put all their reporters in one place you could barely fill my closet...
